It's About Time album image

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About the new album: Yes, it’s “just” about time. If not now, when? I wrote these songs over the past 40 years, with the exception of Bill Newton's “Hard On Shoes”.  While I’m certainly not a prolific writer, these tunes represent my take on everything from New Wave/Pop to blues, psychedelia and acoustic guitar music.


The Willie Painter Band started when the Boomers broke up in 2004 after Vinnie Brooks’ death. Vinnie on drums, Craig Dittmar on bass, and I were the heart of that band; we had others in the group but we started as a three piece and that’s how we ended. There was never a question of the Boomers continuing; Vinnie was too integral to replace.


In 2005 John Hanks contacted me and Craig about playing together, and the pieces seemed to fit well. But I needed another instrument to bounce off of, musically, and it was our good fortune that a few months later Bill joined the band. After some 16 years together, the four of us are still on a musical high, and honestly enjoy playing with each other. Our music, originals and cover songs, is very open ended. Some tunes that are normally four minutes long can stretch to over twice that length live if the spirit moves the collective mind. One thing I love about playing with these guys is that there is no pretense; we serve the song above any other motive, and how we play reflects what is going on with us at that time.


We don’t phone it in. And that’s one of many reasons I am honored to have these musicians interpret my ideas for this CD.

I appreciate your consideration.

- Willie